
Fuck Your Love & Light

A compilation of writings, thoughts and partial research on the new age culture and the mainstream psychedelia.

Some familiar writings that have been published on Instagram and FaceBook and some unpublished, never-before-read writings, put together in an formidable way that serves as a guide for those that have been dismayed and upset by the festival, Burning Man, psychedelic and medicine worlds.

Those who invest in this book will get access 30 free days to “Praxis: A Community” when the community opens up!

Pay what you can based on your income and access to wealth.

TW: cPTSD, psychedelics, drug use, rape, colonization, racism, oppression, transphobia, abuse

Access to Wealth (>$80k/yr)
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Some Access ($50-80k/yr)
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So Let’s Talk About Light Supremacy: A Community Dialogue

This community dialogue will be a 3 hour special event hosted by Ethos de Leon, Author of “Fuck Your Love & Light”.

This will be an opportunity for those who are interested in diving deeper and co-investigating with other folks about the phenomena “Light Supremacy”.

4-4:30p PST

Introductions & Mini Break Out Groups

4:30 - 5p PST

Mini Presentation by Ethos

5 - 5:45p PST

Mini Break Out Discussions

5:45 - 7p PST

Larger Group Dialogue