What is the true essence of this beginning?

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Building Circles is a lens that combines theories, academia, the principles of mastery, sacred geometry, numerology, critical pedagogy, Indigenous and Ancient wild wisdom to apply to microcosm to the macrocosm to establish the ethos, pathos, logos of the culture and community an individual or collective entities.

The 3 Pathways of Building Circles



The Ethos of Building Circles serves as the essence of your organization of your Self, your business, organization and/or offering to the world. It manifests in the physical as the ecosystem of belief, taught by my art mentor, Dave Zaboski. The Ecosystem of Belief encompasses a trinity of archetypes, values and principles. This ecosystem provides a solid foundation for you to start building your stories around these archetypes when you move into Pathos realm.


The Pathos of Building Circles serves as the opportunity to shift the narrative and to become the author of your own story. Pathos is the what the blood feels and tastes like of the vision you are creating. You will get to dive deep into your past, your present and your future by writing the story that you have always wanted to tell of your life journey


Logos is the “liftoff” point to manifesting who you want you to be and for your dreams and visions to be in the Physical Reality. Maria Nemeth, author of “The Energy of Money”, writes, “We all know that a rocket burns most of its fuel during the first few moments of flight, as it overcomes inertia and the gravitational pull of the earth. That’s what it’s like for us as we launch our dreams into physical reality.”