What are your true ideals and dreams?

There is to be said that there would be a moment in the timeline of the existence of Humanity that would cause a Great Change. ⁣

A Great Change that would bring about the Day or Judgment, meaning that as individuation of consciousness, we would have to finally sit with ourselves, where there was no distractions. We would have to judge ourselves and listen to the thoughts, the feelings and the traumas that we have been running away from for so long. ⁣

And as the human collective reflected and dug deeper, resting and not producing, they found something inside. ⁣

An inner child. A child who has been crying, has been calling out. Asking to be seen, to be heard, to be held, to be loved. ⁣

And all of sudden we realize that all the things that we don’t like about ourselves and that we don’t like about others, are really things and behaviors that used to be and/or are us. That every experience and human being is a direct reflection of Self. A fractal, holographic life experience. ⁣

Well in fact that the demons and dragons that we’ve been trying to slay, Archangel Michael slaying Lucifer, is actually the seed of violence that has created our entire existence. ⁣

That us not loving and nurturing and holding our darkness, our inner child, that in fact we are never whole. We are always broken when we fight and slay the demon. ⁣

What would happen if we sat, in stillness with the child? What if we just let them be? What if we let them disassociate, numb, throw the temper tantrum? What if we embrace the Sacred Witness?⁣

And then love them, forgive them, apologize to them and thank them. ⁣

What would happen? ⁣

Age of Aquarius’ Ethos



  • To make all the information, knowledge and wisdom of all dimensions available to all those that seek it

  • To dive deep into collaboration to bring a fresh perspective on how humans can exist and interact with the world (open source of the wealth of wisdom since the beginning of time)

  • To graft all practices, tools and existences to become one breathing, fluid, infinite organization


To pioneer and design a new system in harmony and alignment with the human spirit, fulfillment, and prosperity, by being in tune with nature, Pachamama, and the Cosmos, and by grafting and integrating interdisciplinary studies and practices in a polycultural methodology


  • Radical Accessibility/Open Source

  • Queerness

  • Prosperity

  • Multidimensional/Interdisciplinary

  • Decolonization

  • Connection

  • Self-Mastery

  • Anti-Oppression

“To surmount the situation of oppression, people must first critically recognize its causes, so that through transforming action they can create a new situation, one which makes possible the pursuit of a fuller humanity. But the struggle to be more fully human has already begun in the authentic struggle to transform the situation. Although the situation of oppression is a dehumanized and dehumanizing totality affecting both the oppressors and those whom they oppress, it is the latter who must, from their stifled humanity, wage for both the struggle for a fuller humanity; the oppressor, who himself dehumanized because dehumanizes others, is unable to lead this struggle.”

-Paulo Freire, “The Pedagogy of the Oppressed”.



Business Consulting

Logo & Website Design

Anti-Oppression Organizational Consulting


Ethos is a visionary and sacred artist and creates from their intuition and from guidance from their Ancestors and Guides.

Ethos loves to help remind those who interact with them, that they are Creators and the most innate thing to being human is to feel and to create. Ethos is inspired to also help shift the narrative of the way that we speak to ourselves, to others and to Mother Gaia. Every day, Ethos is active in setting intention, determination and action to help guide the shift and awakening of the Earth and the living beings within it.